Profitable Programs for Partner Farmers
Rejoso Manis Indo, 08 September 2022 | Penulis : Muhamad Devi Riswandi
Various efforts have been taken by PG RMI as a smallholder sugar cane-based factory to help increase sugarcane productivity and quality
The existence of sugarcane farmers has received serious attention from the Sugar Factory (PG) of PT Rejoso Manis Indo (RMI). Various efforts have been taken by this smallholder sugarcane-based sugar factory to help increase the productivity and quality of partner farmers' sugarcane.
One of those efforts is assistance. The factory, which is located in Rejoso Village, Binangun District, Blitar Regency, provides assistance, among others, by socializing how to plant two rows of sugar cane (double raws). This method makes it easier to maintain sugarcane because it provides sufficient space for mechanical equipment (tractors) so as to minimize costs.
The door is wide open for farmers who want to improve the quality of their sugarcane. Farmers are welcome to consult with sugarcane experts from PG RMI. If needed, PG RMI officers are ready to help farmers to visit their sugarcane plantations.
Drone Spray
One of the assistance from PG RMI officers in sugarcane plantations that has attracted a lot of attention from farmers is the Drone Spray program. This is a method of fertilizing sugarcane by spraying KCL fertilizer using a drone that is flown around the land. Spraying is done before the sugar cane is cut down. This program is in great demand because it significantly improves sugarcane quality.
This program is in great demand because it can increase the selling price of sugarcane. The price is higher because the sugarcane brix that is droned can reach 27, while those that don't get the drone spray treatment, the brix is âââ‰â¬Â¹Ã¢ââ‰â¬Â¹around 20.
Sugarcane brix is high because what is sprayed is potassium chloride (KCL) fertilizer. In addition to making plant stems stronger, KCL fertilizer also serves to protect plants from pests and diseases. KCL also helps plants to maximize the photosynthetic process and the distribution of photosynthetic products to all parts of the plant so that their nutrition is guaranteed.
Farmers can actually spray their own land with KCL using human power. But the processing time is long. For one hectare of land, for example, it is not necessarily one day completed. Meanwhile, with the PG RMI drone spray, spraying one hectare of land can be completed in just 15 minutes. The cost is not expensive, only Rp 500 thousand per hectare.
Spraying with the PG RMI drone is very effective because it focuses on sugar cane leaves. Also because it is done from above evenly so that the fertilizer hits all parts of the leaf. In contrast to manual spraying, which because it is done from below, fertilizer cannot hit all parts of the leaves.
Sugarcane leaves that have been sprayed with PG RMI drones are also safe for livestock. Evidently, no livestock experienced health problems or poisoning after eating it.
Borrow Seeds
Partnerships are also carried out through the Borrow Seed program. This program is very helpful for small farmers or farmers who happen to not have enough capital when they have to plant sugar cane. Because, farmers really only borrow, do not need to pay for seeds. There is also no need to pay interest like borrowing capital from a bank.
The farmer's only obligation is to return it when the sugar cane has been harvested. The amount has not changed, that is, as much as borrowed seeds. For example, if you borrow 2 tons of seeds, you only have to return 2 tons of sugar cane, nothing more.
Thus, farmers do not have to worry about capital to buy seeds. Farmers can focus on how to process their sugar cane as well as possible in order to get the best quality when it is cut.
Another advantage for farmers from this program is getting high quality sugarcane seeds. These seeds are the result of development carried out through a series of studies and trials by a team of experts in the PG RMI cultivation area.
Farmers' interest in this program is actually quite high. However, due to limited stock, currently only farmers in the Blitar Raya area can participate.
Green Cane and Sweet Cane
The partnership programs that are no less interesting are Green Cane and Sweet Cane. Both are part of PG RMI's way of providing incentives to farmers.
The Green Sugar Cane Program is an effort by PG RMI to encourage farmers to plant green sugar cane. First, because it can be harvested faster, ie when it is still 9-10 months old. Second, because this type of sugar cane is of better quality than other sugar cane varieties, such as red or black sugar cane. The brix value of red or black cane ranges from 16 to 18, while the brix value of green sugar cane is between 19 to 20. That is why PG RMI provides incentives in the form of higher sugarcane prices if farmers join the Green Cane program.
Incentives in the form of higher sugarcane prices can also be obtained by farmers if they join the Sweet Cane program. Farmers can enroll in this program if their sugarcane brix value is at least 19. Such a brix value is set with the intention of triggering farmers to maintain the quality of their sugarcane from time to time.
Farmers can measure their own sugarcane brix value before sending it to PG RMI. The results will be matched with the results of measurements carried out by the RMI PG team at the monitoring post and at the weighing post. If farmer data and PG RMI data match (synchronous), namely mini sugarcane brix mall 19, then the farmer is entitled to a higher price. Otherwise, the sugar cane will be purchased at regular prices.
Please note, the minimum sugarcane brix that can enter PG RMI is 17. This standard is set so that the performance and efficiency of sugar production is maintained.*
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