Best Cane Quality, Influence Sugar Productivity

Rejoso Manis Indo, 16 February 2023 | Penulis : Dinar
Best Cane Quality, Influence Sugar Productivity
Onfarm Team Drone Spary Activity PT. RMI
RMI - Hello RMI friends, surely you are familiar with hearing about plants that can grow in this climate area? of course the sweet cane. Processed sugarcane products can be consumed by the public and have gone through a very long process from farmers to manufacturers to distributors to consumers. Processed sugar cane produced must be under strict supervision, including maintaining sugar cane to make it more productive.

Good quality sugarcane can increase sugar productivity. With the increase in sugar productivity, this has also become one of the national strategies to support the government's "sugar self-sufficiency" program.

High sugar productivity can be achieved by increasing sugarcane productivity or yield. Availability of sugarcane VUB with high yield potential and its supporting technology
need to keep trying. High sugar productivity can be achieved by maximizing the production of sucrose as a result of photosynthesis in the leaves and by increasing the partition of sucrose into the maximum stem parenchyma tissue. High plant productivity requires source and sink capacity support. The sink strength of sugarcane is quite high and can affect the rate of leaf photosynthesis.

Optimal source and sink conditions and high capacity can be obtained through proper nutrient management. Nitrogen has an important role in supporting sugarcane production because of its function in the formation of chlorophyll, leaf organs, stems, tillers and roots, as well as various enzymes. Nitrogen (N) is an important primary macronutrient for various plants. Protein biosynthesis requires N, and also P, K, S, Mg, Mn, Zn, and B (Amberger, 1975).

Sugarcane N uptake is influenced by plant type, genotype, age, and accumulated biomass. N deficiency can cause limited tillering formation and impaired stem development which can lead to decreased sugarcane productivity. Sugarcane cultivation in Indonesia is currently more dominant on sub-optimal land, so that many sugarcane areas have low to very low N status
