To Meet Competent Workers in Sugarcane Plantation and Sugar Industry, PT RMI and BPPSDMP Conduct Curriculum Alignment
Rejoso Manis Indo, 17 January 2024 | Penulis : Dinar
Curriculum Alignment Discussion at PT Rejoso Manis Indo
To Meet Competent Workers in Sugarcane Plantation and Sugar Industry, PT RMI and BPPSDMP Conduct Curriculum Alignment
Blitar - The Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development Agency (BPPSDMP) of the Ministry of Agriculture together with PT Rejoso Manis Indo (RMI) Blitar - East Java conducted curriculum alignment to fulfill Competent Workers in the Sugar Cane Plantation and Sugar Industry, Tuesday (16/01/24).
Located at PT Rejoso Manis Indo which is located in Rejoso, Binangun, Blitar Regency, BPPSDMP held discussions related to the alignment of the Vocational Education Program Curriculum. The alignment of the vocational education program curriculum is a commitment agreed upon by Gapgindo with the Ministry of Agriculture through the Agricultural Human Resources Development and Extension Agency (BPPSDMP) in preparing a competent and professional workforce in the sugarcane plantation and sugar industry for the business world and the industrial world (DuDi).
The activity which lasted for 2 days from January 16-17, 2024 was also attended by 3 other Sugar Factories which are also members of Gapgindo, namely PT Kebun Tebu Mas, PT Kebon Agung, and PT Rajawali I. In addition, the alignment of the link and match curriculum was also attended by pusdiktan BPPSDMP, Polbangtan Bogor, Polbangtan Malang, and PEPI as well as teachers of SMK Gula Rajawali.
This curriculum alignment activity is one form of BPPSDMP's commitment to realize the hope of the Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman that the baton of agriculture must be immediately given to the millennial generation.
PT Rejoso Manis Indo Factory Manager Heri Widarmanto said that his party welcomed the joint discussion with the Ministry of Agriculture through the Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development Agency. It is hoped that the alignment of this curriculum can create a millennial generation who are interested in agriculture, especially sugar cane plantations and the sugar industry.
In addition to discussions related to curriculum alignment, his party also invited a team from the BPPSDMP pusdiktan, Polbangtan Bogor, Polbangtan Malang, and PEPI as well as 3 Sugar Factories members of Gapgindo to conduct a PG Rejoso Manis Indo Factory Tour to show the modern technology owned by PT Rejoso Manis Indo in producing Sugar. In the next session, he also invited this team to visit the Sugar Cane Farm located in Ds. Kaulon Kec. Sutojayan Kab. Blitar to see the activities in the On-Farm section which includes planting sugar cane to spraying fertilizers in sugar cane fields using the dronespray method.
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