"Cleaning Day", PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group Donates 120 Orphans and Underprivileged Students in Blitar

Rejoso Manis Indo, 01 February 2024 | Penulis : Dinar
 "Cleaning Day", PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group Donates 120 Orphans and Underprivileged Students in Blitar
Penyerahan Santunan Kepada Anak Yatim Piatu & Siswa Kurang Mampu oleh Perwakilan Direksi PT RMI dan Camat Binangun
Blitar - Still in the framework of "Cleaning Day" PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group also held a donation activity for hundreds of Orphans and Underprivileged Students in Blitar Raya, Tuesday (30/01).

PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group Public and Government Relations Manager Putut Hindaruji said, there were around 120 orphans and underprivileged students around the factory and Blitar Raya who were invited to PG RMI today to receive compensation and gifts from the company. The purpose of the compensation and gifts is as a form of gratitude for PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group for being given smooth running of its business in 2023. 

"We invited around 120 orphans and underprivileged students around the factory and Blitar Raya to receive compensation and gifts from PG RMI as a form of our gratitude because in 2023 we get smoothness in carrying out production activities." Putut said.

Meanwhile, Binangun Sub-District Head Deny Chandra, who was also invited to this activity, admitted that he appreciated the program carried out by PT Rejoso Manis Indo. He hopes that programs like this can continue to exist so that the community can benefit from the existence of PG. RMI.

"The program carried out by PT RMI - Mitr Phol Group is good, we hope that the community can feel the existence of PG RMI which also has a positive impact." Deny Chandra said.

In addition to inviting 120 Orphans and Disadvantaged Students, PT Rejoso Manis Indo - Mitr Phol Group also invited Forkopimca Binangun and 6 Village Heads around PG. RMI.